A_Piece_of_Charlize.jpg ( 1920 x 1080 = 2.3MP , 460 KB ) [ 1 / 1 ] 5000%, 2017

Valeriy Radmirov - A_Piece_of_Charlize.jpg ( 1920 x 1080 = 2.3MP , 460 KB ) [ 1 / 1 ] 5000%, 2017

tweet A_Piece_of_Charlize.jpg ( 1920 x 1080 = 2.3MP , 460 KB ) [ 1 / 1 ] 5000%, 2017

photo of Charlize Theron zoomed to 5000%, image viewer, unpacked clay brick

Ephemerality as it is is depicted in this work with the help of two complementary messages: on the one hand is digital medium, nowadays as aspect and monumental material of replica of social layers, and the other message is a medium of tangible physical element - specifically - clay, in this case still as transient aspect of synergetics.